CCPA Related Requests

Pursuant to Section § 999.317(g) of the CCPA Regulations, below are metrics of CCPA-related requests received by Condé Nast during calendar year 2020:

Requests to Know

  • Received: 68
  • Complied with in whole or part: 64
  • Denied: 4
  • Mean number of days to respond: 30

Requests to Delete

  • Received: 658
  • Complied with in whole or part: 588
  • Denied: 70
  • Mean number of days to respond: 20

Requests to Opt-out

  • Received: 79,780
  • Complied with in whole or part: 79,553
  • Denied: 227
  • Mean number of days to respond: 6