
#WeAreCondeNast: Paloma Gonzalez – Digital Coordinator, Editorial Digital

14 March 2022

"Just finding out that writing was something I could do professionally and that other people thought I had something to say was very big to me."

Digital Coordinator, Editorial Digital at GQ México & Latin America, Paloma Gonzalez shares the life lessons she learned from her four sisters and 10 cousins, chatting with actors Udo Kier and David Dasmaltchian and what she’s most proud of achieving in her career.

"Just finding out that writing was something I could do professionally and that other people thought I had something to say was very big to me, but also I have been a part of a great team that has helped GQ México grow and evolve," she says.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you find your way to Condé Nast?

It was kind of a lucky accident. I was working somewhere else and I told one of my friends that I wanted to do something more creative. She had a friend that used to work with her and now was at GQ. They were looking for someone since one of the editors was leaving. She gave me his contact, I called, went to an Interview and something clicked. I didn’t have any experience, but my soon-to-be boss was willing to give me a chance. He asked me to write an article about movie villains, just to see where I was at. I handed it in the next day and three days after that I signed my contract.

How do you describe your job to friends and family?

I don't really have to describe it, I just mention GQ and most people know what im talking about, usually that is followed by many questions: Do I know any celebrities? Where do I get ideas? And if working for a magazine really is like being in an episode of Sex and the City or The Devil Wears Prada?

What does Women's International Day/History Month mean to you?

I think it should be important for every person, regardless of gender. It's a time in which we can reflect about the role women have had to play in the world, the struggles, obstacles and even the high standards. It’s 2022 and we still have a long way to go, but at least we are having the conversation.

My family is mainly women, I have 4 sister and about 10 cousins, who have showed me that you have to fight to leave a mark on the world and achieve your goals, this is a time when I recognize them and all the other women that have opened doors, defied the rules and got us to where we are today.

Have you seen any trends/news in the industry that you’re excited about and want to explore?

It’s not exactly a trend, but it’s very interesting to see what creators, musicians, artists and more are achieving by taking control of their own narratives and image. The conversations that are taking place on social media (even when they are not always good), and the possibility to express yourself and share with the world in a way that wasn’t possible just a few years back, especially for minorities. Fashionwise, it's good to see how different tribes establish their identity through clothes, even tanking trends from the past and transforming them into something new (I'm not sure if this is what you asked, but it’s something exciting).

What are you most proud of achieving in your career so far?

Just finding out that writing was something I could do professionally and that other people thought I had something to say was very big to me, but also I have been a part of a great team that has helped GQ México grow and evolve. Going from assistant to Digital Coordinator has been a very interesting journey.

Any talent you’ve particularly enjoyed working with?

I have loved working with everyone I met until now, but getting to talk about horror movies with Udo Kier is definitely a highlight. Also, David Dasmaltchian was a great person to interview (it was a Zoom call and I think he was so open because he loved a painting that was hanging in one of my walls and reminded him of his own house).

What do you enjoy doing when you have downtime?

I'm a runner, so I like to run every day. I also have two Pitbull dogs who demand a lot of attention and want to play all the time. I love a good show, I'm addicted (yes, addicted) to movies and books, and my family has this tradition where we like to go antique shopping (or just looking) on Sundays.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I have a twin sister and we used to have these conversations about what we would be when we grow up. At one point we decided we wouldn’t do it and created a plan to move to Neverland. That obviously didn’t work, so I decided to be a doctor instead until I found out that the sight of blood made me faint. Art has always been important in my family, so my sister became a painter and photography and writing became part of who I am.

What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?

So many, but two come to mind. The first is Nothing to See Here by Kevin Willson (about children who catch fire, family secrets and political scandals), and the second is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, which I read after I watched the HBO show (this is a book that needs to be shared).

You’re at a make-your-own sundae bar. Which toppings do you choose?

I don’t think ice cream should have a topping (it’s good on its own), but if I had to choose, I guess it would be something crunchy to add texture.